Learning programming from scratch

Ever since I came to know about programming, I wanted to learn how to master this trait. I tried to learn programming last year but couldn't spend much time on it since I had to drop one year to prepare for JEE. So, this time after I gave JEE, I knew very well what I wanted to do in the time I have before joining a college.

There are more than 200 recognised computer languages.
I couldn't find the exact number.
The first question I had while embarking on this long and steep journey was which language to learn first? I asked my friends doing their B.Tech from CS and I searched on the Internet, the vast majority seemed to be having the same opinion: Learn C. But then there were some who said that C is kind of an obsolete computer language which makes it less practical in the contemporary world. That's why I went ahead with C++.

The second question was what should be my source of learning C++? After a lot of searching and roaming around the continents of the Internet I came across a YouTube channel named "thenewboston". "thenewboston" has separate playlists for lectures on different computer programs and languages. I am kind of a slow learner when I am beginning to learn a completely new concept, that's why I needed a place where I could be taught everything in a simplified manner. Lectures on this channel are short (hardly any video is longer than 10 minutes) and to the point. Bucky, the host of this YouTube channel, is a witty and cool guy. Before taking the course on C++, I learned how to use command prompt on windows from his channel.

Go to playlists and search for 'C++ Programming Tutorials Playlist' if you want to check the lectures yourself

The Internet gave us so much content, that is absolutely free, to learn whatever skill we want, so why just waste time on trivial, non-consequential websites, when we can learn so much of cool things with the help of it. I need a lot of practice and experience before I give myself the tag of a 'programmer'. Maybe an 'amateur programmer' is what I am, though I am not sure about that as well. I am too naive in this field to be regarded as anything except for an apprentice.

After learning C++, the next language that I will be learning is Python, often regarded by real programmers as one of the best computer languages. I do have an Udemy course on learning elementary to top-level Python but let me first learn the most basic language and then swipe to the sweetest one. Additionally, Python is not installing on my PC (maybe because of its old specifications) I tried several times to install anaconda but the software just didn't work. So that plan is postponed until my parents buy me a laptop with better specs.

What now? Well, going back to code one beautiful (but elementary level) program.

Until I write again.


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